2005-2015 Period
This page shows most papers published by the LABO members in peer-reviewed international journals. Books are also included.
- T. Chapman, V. Sholukha, P. Semal, S. Louryan, S. Van Sint Jan. Femoral curvature variability in modern humans using three-dimensional quadric surface fitting. Surgical and Radiological Anatomy, 2015, published on-line:
- J. Peng, L. Denninger, J. Panda, S. Van Sint Jan, X. Wang. Methods for determining hip and lumbosacral jointcenters in a seated position from external anatomical landmarks. J. Biomch., 2015, 48(2), 396-400.
- Jolly S, Poncelet L, Lempereur L, Caron Y, Bayrou C, Cassart D, Grimm F, Losson B. 1. First report of a fatal autochthonous canine Angiostrongylus vasorum infection in Belgium. Parasitol Int. 2015 Feb;64(1):97-9.
- B. Bonnechère, V. Sholukha, P. Salvia, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Physiologically-corrected coupled motion during gait analysis using Model-Based Approach. Gait and Posture, 2015, 41(1), 319-322.
- B. Beyer, V. Sholukha, P. Salvia, M. Rooze, V. Feipel, S. Van Sint Jan. Effect of anatomical landmarks perturbation on mean helical axis parameters of in vivo costovertebral joints, 2015, 48(3), 534-538.
- Beauthier J-P, Beauthier F, Charlier C, et al. A la découverte de la médecine légale. Paroles de médecins. Bruxelles: Larcier; 2015.
- Beauthier J-P, De Valkeneer C. Paroles de médecins. Paroles de juristes. Louvain la Neuve: Larcier; 2015.
- Beauthier J-P, Dhaeyer P, Donatangelo M, et al. Les secrets professionnels. Approche transversale. Limal: Anthemis; 2015
- B. Bonnechère, B. Jansen, L. Omelina, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Can serious games be incorporated with conventional treatment of children with cerebral palsy? A review. Research in Development Disabilities, 2014, 35(8), 1899-1913.
- O. Snoeck, B. Beyer, V. Feipel, P. Salvia, JL. Sterckx, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Tendon and fascial structure contributions to knee muscle excursions and knee joint displacement. Clinical Biomechanics, 2014, 29, 1070-1076.
- J. Coupier, F. Moiseev, V. Feipel, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Motion representation of the long fingers: a proposal for the definitions of new anatomical frames. J. of Biomechanics, 2014, 47(6), 1299-1306.
- B. Bonnechère, B. Beyer, S. Gabriel, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. What is the safest start position for American football players. Journal of Sports Sciences and Medicine, 2014, 13(2), 423-429.
- Gilissen EP, Leroy K, Yilmaz Z, Kövari E, Bouras C, Boom A, Poncelet L, Erwin JM, Sherwood CC, Hof PR, Brion JP. 1. A neuronal aging pattern unique to humans and common chimpanzees. Brain Struct Funct. 2014 Nov 9.
- S. Van Sint Jan. Modelling of the musculoskeletal system and its physiology : scientific and clinical applications. Proceedings of the Belgian Royal Academies of Medicine. Invited. 2014, 3, 13-30.
- O. Snoeck, P. Lefèvre, Erica Sprio, V. Feipel, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. The lacertus fibrosus of the biceps brachii muscle: an anatomical study. Surgical and Radiological Anatomy, 2014, 36(7), 713-719.
- B. Beyer, V. Sholukha, P-M Dugailly, M. Rooze, V. Feipel, S. Van Sint Jan. In-vivo thorax 3D modelling from costovertebral joint complex kinematics. Clinical Biomechanics, 2014, 29, 434-438.
- B. Bonnechère, B. Jansen, P. Salvia, H. Bouzahouene, V. Sholukha, J. Cornelis, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Determination of the precision and accuracy of the morphological measurements using the Kinect sensor: comparison with standard stereophotogrammetry. Ergonomics, 2014, 57(4), 622-631.
- L. Cristofolini, M. Baleani, E. Schileo, S. Van Sint Jan, M. Juszczyk, C. Öhman, I. Zwierzak, P. Lefèvre, J. Juszczyk, M. Viceconti. Differences between contralateral bones of the human lower limbs: a multiscale investigation. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 14(3):1450032.
- W. Samson, A. Van Hamme, S. Sanchez, L. Chèze, S. Van Sint Jan, V. Feipel. A portable system for foot biomechanical analysis during gait. Gait and Posture, 2014, 40(3), 420-428.
- T. Chapman, P. Lefèvre, P. Semal, F. Moiseev, V. Sholukha, S. Louryan, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Sex determination using the Probabilistic Sex Diagnosis (DSP: Diagnose Sexuelle Probabiliste) tool in a virtual environment. Forensic Science International, 2014, 234, 189-195.
- B. Bonnechère, B. Jansen, P. Salvia, H. Bouzahouene, L. Omelina, J. Cornelis, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Determination of repeatability of Kinect™ sensor. Telemedicine & eHealth, 2014 May;20(5):451-3. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2013.0247. Epub 2014 Mar 11.
- W. Samson, A. Van Hamme, S. Sanchez, L. Chèze, S. Van Sint Jan, V. Feipel. Foot roll-over evaluation based on 3D dynamic foot scan. Gait and Posture, 2014, 39:577-582.
- B. Bonnechère, B. Jansen, P. Salvia, H. Bouzahouene, L. Omelina, F. Moiseev, V. Sholukha, J. Cornelis, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Validity and reliability of the Kinect within functional assessment activities: comparison with standard stereophotogrammetry. Gait and Posture, 2014, 39:593-598.
- Beauthier J-P, Beauthier F, Lefèvre P. Les disparitions de masse: les méthodes de recherche et d'identification. Interventions et méthodologie de l'équipe DVI en Belgique. In: ESKA, ed. Manuel pratique d'anthropologie médico-légale. Paris: Tania Delabarde & Bertrand Ludes; 2014:272-82.
- Butler P, Mitchell AWM, Healy JC, Beauthier J-P, Lefèvre P, Louryan S. Radiologie anatomique. Bruxelles: De Boeck; 2014.
- B. Bonnechère, B. Jansen, L. Omelina, L. Da Silva, J. Mougeat, V. Heymans, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Use of serious gaming to increase motivation of cerebral palsy children during rehabilitation. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2013, 17:S12-13.
- B. Bonnechère, V. Wermenbol, B. Dan, P. Salvia, Y. Leborgne, G. Bontempi, S. Vansummeren, V. Sholukha, F. Moisee, B. Jansen, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Management and interpretation of medical data related to Cerebral Palsy: the ICT4Rehab project. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 2013, 17:S32-33.
- P. Dugailly, S. Sobczak, A. Lubansu, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan, V. Feipel. Validation protocol for assessing the upper cervical spine kinematics and helical axis: an in vivo preliminary analysis for axial rotation, modeling, and motion representation. Journal of craniovertebral junction and spine. 2013, 4:10-15.
- B. Bonnechère, B. Jansen, P. Salvia, H. Bouzahouene, L. Omelina, J. Cornelis, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Can the Kinect sensor be used for motion analysis ? Transaction on Electrical and Electronic Circuits and Systems, 2013, 1, 1-8.
- V. Sholoukha, B. Bonnechère, P. Salvia, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Model-based approach (MBA) for human kinematics reconstruction from markerless and marker-based motion analysis. J. of Biomechanics, 2013, 46:2363-2371.
- B. Bonnechère, B. Jansen, L. Omelina, J. Cornelis, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Les jeux vidéo (bientôt) au service des patients? Medecine & Sciences, 2013, 29, 957-960.
- J. Peng, X. Wang, L. Denninger, J. Panda, S. Van Sint Jan. Hip joint center location from anatomical landmarks for automotive seated posture reconstruction. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2013, 16, 195-197.
- S. Sobczak, P. Dugailly, V. Feipel, B. Baillon, M. Rooze, S. Salvia, S. Van Sint Jan. In vitro biomechanical study of femoral torsion disorders: Effect on moment arms of thigh muscles. Clinical Biomechanics, 2013, 28(2), 187-192.
- B. Bonnechère, V. Wermembol, B. Dan, M. Degelaen, P. Salvia, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Examen Clinique de l’enfant infirme moteur cérébral: existe-t-il un consensus entre les praticiens? Clinical examination of children with cerebral palsy : is there a consensus between clinicians ? Revue Médicale de Bruxelles, 2013, 34(2), 70-78.
- O. Oth, S. Louryan, S. Van Sint Jan, M. Rooze, R. Glineur. Impact of the mandibular divergence on the position of the inferior alveolar nerve and mylohyoid nerve: a computed tomography study and its relevance to bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. Surgical and radiological anatomy, 2013, 35(3), 241-247.
- Poncelet L, Héraud C, Springinsfeld M, Ando K, Kabova A, Beineke A, Peeters D, Op De Beeck A, Brion JP. 1. Identification of feline panleukopenia virus proteins expressed in Purkinje cell nuclei of cats with cerebellar hypoplasia. Vet J. 2013 Jun;196(3):381-7.
- Poncelet L, Springinsfeld M, Ando K, Héraud C, Kabova A, Brion JP. 2. Expression of transferrin receptor 1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, p27(Kip1) and calbindin in the fetal and neonatal feline cerebellar cortex. Vet J. 2013 Jun;196(3):388-93.
- S. Van Sint Jan, V. Wermenbol, P. Van Bogaert, K. Desloovere, M. Degelaen, B. Dan, P. Salvia, E. Ortibus, B. Bonnechère, Y-A Le Borgne, G. Bontempi, S. Vansummeren, V. Sholukha, F. Moiseev, M. Rooze. Integrative research related to the musculoskeletal system : application for the clinical following up of cerebral palsy patients – the ICT4Rehab project. Medecine & Sciences, 2013, 29(5), 529-536.
- B. Bonnechère, V. Sholukha, F. Moiseev, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. From Kinect to anatomically-correct motion modelling : preliminary results for human applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013. Available from available from
- B. Bonnechère, B. Jansen, L. Omelina, L. Da Silvan, M. Mouraux, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Patient follow-up using Serious Gaming: a feasibility study on low back pain patients. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013. Available from available from
- T. Chapman, P. Semal, S. Louryan, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Stand up and walk ! Application of the musculo-skeletal modelling software ‘lhpFusionBox’ to a paleoanthropological problem. Medecine & Sciences, 2013, 29(6), 623-629.
- Beauthier F, et Beauthier J-P (2013) Certificat médical de décès. Rev Med Brux 34:376-379.
- Beauthier J-P, Beauthier F, et Lefèvre P (2013) Homicides ignorés. Rev Med Brux 34:47-54.
- El Banna S, Beauthier F, et Beauthier J-P (2013) Réflexions sur l'accident médical et ses implications médico-légales. Le consentement éclairé. Rev Med Brux 34:469-478.
- El Banna S, Van De Vyvere A, et Beauthier J-P (2013) Les certificats médicaux en accidents du travail, en droit commun et en matières sociales. Rev Med Brux 34:35-45.
- L. Poncelet. 1. Potentiels évoqués auditifs du tronc cérébral dans l'évaluation de la fonction auditive chez le chien et le chat. Doi : 10.1016/S1283-0828(13)61169-2, EMC.
- W. Samson, A. Van Hamme, S. Sanchez, L. Chèze, S. Van Sint Jan, V. Feipel. Dynamic footprint analysis by time-of-flight camera. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2012, 15, 180-182.
- E. Vereecke, F. Kerkhof, F. Stockmans, I. Jonkers, S. Van Sint Jan. Human hand function and dysfunction: what insigths can be gained from comparative anatomy and musculoskeletal computer models? American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2012, 147(S54), 292.
- Benali L, Gromb S, et Beauthier J-P (2012) Scènes à cadavres multiples. Implications médico-légales. Journal de Médecine Légale Droit Médical 55:334-336.
- Poncelet L. 1. Epileptic brain damage in dogs and cats: myth or reality? Vet Rec. 2011 Oct 1;169(14):359-60.
- Poncelet L, Heimann M. 2. Intradural vertebral disc herniation in a dog. Vet Rec. 2011;168(18):486a.
- Poncelet L, Salmon I, Jolly S, Summers BA. 1. Primary bilateral pontine demyelination in a cat with similarity to central pontine myelinolysis. Vet Pathol. 2011 May;48(3):751-3.
- P. Dugailly, S. Sobczak, F. Moiseev, V. Sholukha, P. Salvia, V. Feipel, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Musculoskeletal modeling of the suboccipital spine: kinematics analysis, muscle lengths and muscle moment arms during axial rotation and flexion extension. Spine, 2011, 36(6):413-422.
- S. Martelli, F. Taddei, A. Cappello, S. Van Sint Jan, A. Leardini, M. Viceconti. Effect of sub-optimal neuromotor control on the hip joint reaction during level walking. Journal of Biomechanics, 2011, 44(9), 1716-1721.
- S. Sobczak, P. Salvia, P. Dugailly, P. Lefèvre, V. Feipel, S. Van Sint Jan, M. Rooze. Use of embedded strain gages for the in-vitro study of proximal tibial cancellous bone deformation during knee flexion-extension movement: development, reproducibility and preliminary results of feasibility after frontal low femoral osteotomy. Journal of Orthopeadic Surgery and Research, 2011, 6:12.
- S. Sobczak, P. Dugailly, S. Van Sint Jan et al. In-vitro biomechanical study of proximal row carpectomy. Clinical Biomechanics, 2011, 26, 718-724.
- Beauthier J-P, Lefevre P, et De Valck E (2011) Autopsy and Identification Techniques. In N-A Mörner (ed.): The Tsunami Threat - Research and Technology: INTECH, Available from:, pp. 691-714.
- S. Sobczak, B. Baillon, V. Feipel, S. Van Sint Jan, P. Salvia, M. Rooze. In vitro biomechanical study of femoral torsion disorder: effects on tibial proximal epiphyseal cancellous bone deformation. Surgical and radiological anatomy, 2011, 33(5), 439-449.
- V. Sholukha, T. Chapman, P. Salvia, F. Moiseev, F. Euran, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Femur shape prediction by multiple regression based on quadric surface fitting. Journal of Biomechanics, 2011, 44:712-718.
- Beauthier J-P. Justice et dommage corporel : panorama du handicap au travers des divers systèmes d'aide et de réparation. Bruxelles: Larcier; 2011.
- Beauthier J-P. Traité de médecine légale. 2d ed. Bruxelles: De Boeck; 2011.
- Beauthier J-P. L'apport de la médecine factuelle dans la recherche de la preuve en médecine d'expertise. In: Beauthier J-P, Flore D, Masset A, Traest P, Vemeulen G, eds. Bewijs in strafzaken - la preuve en droit pénal. Bruxelles: La Charte; 2011:37-57.
- Firth JD, Beauthier J-P, Beauthier F, Rolin S. Bases scientifiques pour l'étudiant en médecine. Bruxelles: De Boeck; 2011.
- Lefevre P, Beauthier J-P. Anthropologie médico-légale. In: Boel P, De Cloet V, De Boeck G, De Kinder J, Mons Delle Roch M, eds. Manuel de l'enquête forensique Les possibilités de l'enquête forensique. Bruxelles: Politeia; 2011:263-88.
- Beauthier J-P. Médecine légale. In: Boel P, De Cloet V, De Boeck G, De Kinder J, Mons Delle Roch M, eds. Manuel de l'enquête forensique - Les possibilités de l'enquête forensique. Bruxelles: Politeia; 2011:289-341.
- T. Chapman, F. Moiseev, V. Sholukha, S. Louryan, M. Rooze, P. Semal, S. Van Sint Jan. Virtual reconstruction of the Neandertal lower limbs with an estimation of hamstring muscle moment arms. PALEVOL, 2010, 9, 445-454.
- P. Dugailly, S. Sobczak, V. Sholukha, S. Van Sint Jan et al. In-vitro 3D kinematics of the upper cervical spine: helical axis and simulation for axial rotation and flexion extension. Surgical and Radiological Anatomy, 2010, 32(2):141-151.
- L. Cristofilini, G. Monti, M. Juszczyk, F. Taddei, S. Creminini, S. Van Sint Jan, M. Viceconti. Structural behavior and strain distribution of the long bones of the human lower limbs. Journal of Biomechanics, 2010, 43(5), 826-835.
- S. Van Sint Jan, T. Chapman. Was Neanderthal’s gait similar to modern human’s gait? Rev Med Brux, 2010, 31(5):488-490.
- T. Chapman, S. Van Sint Jan, P. Semal. Projet de recherche à l’ULB et à l’IRScNB : La marche des Néandertaliens était-elle similaire à celle des humains modernes?. Anthropologica et Praehistorica, 2010, 121:49-50.
- Beauthier J-P. Les aspects médico-légaux et déontologiques des violences intraconjugales. Revue médicale de Bruxelles 31:83-88.
- Beauthier J-P. De l'art de prélever des fluides biologiques sur la personne décédée. Revue de la médecine générale:200-207.
- Beauthier J-P, Lefèvre P, Meunier M, Orban R, Polet C, Werquin JP, et Quatrehomme G. Palatine Sutures as an age indicator: A Controlled Study in Elderly. J Forensic Sci; 2010, 55:153-158.
- Vanhaesebrouck AE, Van Soens I, Poncelet L, Duchateau L, Bhatti S, Polis I, Diels S, Van Ham L.J. 1. Clinical and electrophysiological characterization of myokymia and neuromyotonia in Jack Russell Terriers. Vet Intern Med. 2010 Jul-Aug;24(4):882-9.
- Markessis E, Poncelet L, Colin C, Hoonhorst I, Collet G, Deltenre P, Moore BC. Auditory steady-state evoked potentials vs. compound action potentials for the measurement of suppression tuning curves in the sedated dog puppy. Int J Audiol. 2010 Jun;49(6):455-62.
- P. Dugailly, S. Sobczak, V. Sholukha, S. Van Sint Jan et al. In-vitro 3D kinematics of the upper cervical spine: helical axis and simulation for axial rotation and flexion extension. Surgical and Radiological Anatomy, 2010, 32:141-151.
- Tank PW, Gest TR, Burkel WE, Beauthier J-P, Lefèvre P. Atlas d'anatomie. Bruxelles, Paris: De Boeck Université; 2010.
- V. Sholukha, S. Van Sint Jan, P. Salvia, F.Moiseev, O. Snoeck, M. Rooze. Prediction of joint center location by customizable multiple regressions: Application to clavicle, scapula and humerus. Journal of Biomechanics, 42: 319-324.
- P. Salvia, S. Van Sint Jan, V. Sholoukha, F. Moiseev, C. Mahieu, O. Snoeck, M. Rooze. Precision of shoulder anatomical landmark calibration by two approaches : a CAST-like method and a new Anatomical Palpator method. Gait & Posture, 29, 587-591.
- S. Saussez, T. De Maesschalk, V. Mahillon, O. Filleul, S. Louryan. Second branchial cyst in the parapharyngealspace: A case report. Auris Nasus Larynx.
- S. Katerji, N. Vanmuylder, M. Svoboda, M. Rooze, S. Louryan. Expression of Msx1 and Dlx1 during Dumbo rat head development: correlation with morphologic features. Genetics and Molecular Biology.
- Beauthier J-P, Lefèvre P, De Valck E, et De Winne J. Mass Disaster Victims Identification: the Tsunami Experience (December 26, 2004). The Open Forensic Science Journal.
- Beauthier J-P. De la qualité d'un médecin expert à l'excellence de sa démarche propédeutique, ou l'expertise par la science médicale fondamentale. In: Beauthier J-P, Boxho P, Candaele P, et al., eds. Le dommage corporel et l'expertise - Liber amicorum Pierre Lucas. Louvain La Neuve: Anthemis; 2009:37-56.
- F. Moiseev, V. Sholukha, O. Snoeck, P. Salvia, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan. Registration of soft tissues morphology with skeletal morphology and kinematics. J Biomech, 2008, 41, S204.
- V. Sholukha, O. Snoeck, F. Moiseev, M. Rooze, S. Van Sint Jan Stereophotogrammetry for soft tissue 3D reconstruction of dissection and medical imaging. J Biomech, 2008, 41, S223.
- V. Hertveldt, S. Louryan, T. van Reeth, P. Dreze, P. van Vooren, J. Szpirer,C. Szpirer (2008). The Development of Several Organs and Appendages Is Impaired in Mice Lacking Sp6. Developmental Dynamics 237:883-892.
- Feipel V, Legendre L, Chaminade G, Salvia P, Rooze M (2008) Towards dynamic neck kinesthesic tests. J Biomech 41; Suppl 1; S512
- S. Van Sint Jan, D. Nguyen Van, M. Rooze. Quantified relationships of the radial nerve with the radial groove and selected humeral landmarks. Surgical and Radiological Anatomy, 2008.
- C. Öhman, E. Dall’Ara, M. Baleani, S. Van Sint Jan, M. Viceconti. The effects of embalming using a 4% formalin solution on the compressive mechanical properties of human cortical bone. Clinical Biomechanics, 2008, 23(10), 1294-1298.
- M. Viceconti, G. Clapworthy, F. Taddei, S. Van Sint Jan. The European Virtual Physiological Human. Journal of Medical Biomechanics, 2008, 23, 19-25.
- A. Leardini, F. Biagi, C. Belvedere, M. Viceconti, S. Van Sint Jan. Gait & Posture, 2008, 28 (suppl. 1), S11-S12.
- F. Biagi, C. Belvedere, M. Viceconti, S. Van Sint Jan, A. Leardini. Data fusion between landmark trajectories and bone models for graphical representation of human motion. J Biomech, 2008, 41, S56
- Fenner JW, McCormack KM, Pinney D, Brook B, Clapworthy G, Coveney P, Feipel V, Gregersen H, Hose DR, Kohl P, Lawford P, Thomas SR, S. Van Sint Jan, Waters S., Viceconti M. The Europhysiome, STEP and a roadmap for the Virtual Physiological Human. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2008, 366, 2979-2999.
- M. Viceconti, F. Taddei, S. Van Sint Jan, A. Leardini, L. Cristofolini, S. Stea, F. Baruffaldi, M. Baleani. Multiscae modelling of the skeleton for the prediction of the risk of fracture. Clinical Biomechanics (Special issue on “Early Clinical Applications of the Virtual Physiological Human in Musculoskeletal Biomechanics”), 2008, 23, 845-852.
- Beauthier J-P. Traité de médecine légale. Bruxelles, Paris: De Boeck Université, 2008.
- Beauthier J-P. Justice et dommage corporel. Symbiose ou controverse ? Bruxelles: Larcier, 2008.
- Beauthier J-P, and Lefèvre P (2008) Rôle des médecins légistes, anthropologues et odontologues lors d'activités au sein du team belge d'identification des victimes (Belgian DVI team). Revue de l'organisation et de la gestion de ces situations dans le but d'une identification optimale des victimes. Biom Hum Anthropol 26:45-56.
- Lefèvre P, Pineau J-C, Beauthier JP, and Rooze M (2008) Estimation de la corpulence et identification des personnes. Biom hum anthropol 26:11-22.
- Beauthier J-P, Lefèvre P, Werquin JP, Meunier M, Quatrehomme G, Polet C, et Orban R (2008) Les sutures crâniennes ont-elles encore une place dans l'évaluation de l'âge au décès ? J Méd Lég Droit Méd 51:203-220.
- Beauthier J-P, Lefèvre P, Werquin JP, Meunier M, Quatrehomme G, Polet C, et Orban R (2008) Sutures faciales et estimation de l’âge au décès chez l’adulte. Biom Hum Anthropol 26:129-139.
- Beauthier J-P. L’histoire de la médecine légale au travers de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles. In: Rogge J, Lucas P, van Ommeslaghe P, et al., eds. Liber Amicorum Jean-Luc Fagnart. Louvain La Neuve: Anthemis; 2008.
Before 2004
[Available on request]